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연구실 벚꽃 나들이

2023.03.31(금), 정기 그룹미팅 이후에 학교를 산책하는 시간을 가졌습니다. 학기를 시작하는 3월은 유난히도 날씨가 좋은 시기입니다. 학교에 핀 벚꽃을 보면서 학기의 시작을 다짐하고 서로의 한 해를 응원하는 시간을 가졌습니다.

Graduation and New Member,2023

Yujin and Hyojun received their Master’s degree and graduated this winter! Big congratulations! We are very proud of you. They joined ASML as doctoral students and will be with us for another few more years. Also, ASML got new member in the winter, 2023. Hyungjun, we welcome you!

유창현 교수님 연구팀과의 워크샵

2023년 2월 23일, 이화여자대학교 연구협력관에서 유창현 교수님 연구팀과 워크샵을 가졌습니다. 학술적 교류 및 연구팀 간 인적 네트워크 구축을 할 수 있었던 좋은 시간이었습니다. 워크샵은 연구팀별 발표 및 점심 식사로 진행되었습니다. 저희 연구팀에서는 이채형 연구원이 ‘The Increasing Trend of Persistence of Sea Surface Temperature due to changes in oceanic processes’, 김동혁 연구원이 ‘Springtime Southern Hemisphere Quasi-Stationary Planetary Wave Activities Associated with ENSO/IOD’, 조아진 연구원이 ‘Oceanic Responses to Surface Current Coupling near the Kuroshio Current’ 라는 주제로 발표하였습니다.
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연구실 양궁대회

2023.01.27, 정기 그룹미팅 후에 신촌에 위치한 양궁 카페에서 연구원들이 함께 활 쏘는 시간을 가졌습니다.

Graduation and New Member,2022

Donghyuk received his Master’s degree and graduated this summer! Big congratulations! We are very proud of you. He joined ASML as doctoral students and will be with us for another few more years. Also, ASML got new member in the summer, 2022. JoonWoo, we welcome you!


Ajin and Kyungmin received their Master’s degree and graduated this summer! Big congratulations! We are very proud of you. They joined ASML as doctoral students and will be with us for another few more years.

New members, 2021

There has been an addition of new members to ASML in 2021. Yujin Kim joined ASML through the master program. Chaehyeong Lee joined ASML as an undergraduate-master program student. We welcome you!

New members, 2020

There has been an addition of new members to ASML in 2020. Donghyuk Kim joined ASML as an undergraduate research and will continue to be with us as a master student starting September, 2020. Hyojun Seunu joined ASML in the fall semester in 2019 as an undergraduate student and has been playing an important role in our lab. Also, ASML got two new members in the summer, 2020. Dr. Yongjin Tak and Ms.
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The laboratory room was significantly renovated! The floor has been an issue in the last couple of years; an uneven surface with holes and duct tapes was not safe and made it difficult to put the desks and chairs. So first we leveled the floor (basically ground the stone) and put tiles on it. The job was well done and the room looked new! We also replaced old desks that have been sitting here long before I joined.
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We made a major update of the lab webpage so that the pagination works well for the “News” section. It is built based on the theme called Airspace. Photos are mainly from NASA Goddard Flickr page, a vorticity field that Ryan Abernathey created using the MITgcm llc4320 simulation and other online places. Please let us know if there are things that do not work properly.