Julia with MPI
A short note on how to configure open-mpi package for parellel computing of Julia on os x (as of 2025/01/19).
# using homebrew
brew install --build-from-source openmpi
It installed open-mpi
with version 5.0.6.
in the shell profile file. I am using zshell, so I added the following line in .zshrc
# in .zshrc file, add
export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/open-mpi/5.0.6/lib"
Then do the following in the shell prompt to apply this change.
> source ~/.zshrc
# tested with julia v1.11.2
After Julia being launched, go to the package mode by pressing ]
key. Then,
(@v1.11) pkg> add MPI
(@v1.11) pkg> add MPIPreferences
Once the package is installed, come out from this package mode to julia by hitting ctrl + C
Then configure the open-mpi for Julia.
julia> using MPIPreferences
julia> MPIPreferences.use_system_binary()
This will print out some information regarding open-mpi.
Since we want to use open-mpi
, do the following.
julia> MPIPreferences.use_jll_binary("OpenMPI_jll")
Now, we can test whether parellel computing in Julia is working or not by executing the following simple script.
# mpitest.jl
using MPI
print("Hello world, I am rank $(MPI.Comm_rank(comm)) of $(MPI.Comm_size(comm))\n")
Then in the shell prompt,
> mpirun -n 4 julia mpitest.jl
Hello world, I am rank 1 of 4
Hello world, I am rank 2 of 4
Hello world, I am rank 0 of 4
Hello world, I am rank 3 of 4
Julia wrapper can be an alternative way for the parellel computing for Julia. It can be easily installed in Julia.
$ julia
julia> using MPI
julia> MPI.install_mpiexecjl()
This will create mpiexecjl
in your Julia’s bin directory (maybe in ~/.julia/bin).
You may create the symbolic link of this executable file in your system.
> sudo ln -s ~/.julia/bin/mpiexecjl /usr/local/bin/
Then check whether this works in the shell prompt,
> mpiexecjl -n 4 julia mpitest.jl
Hello world, I am rank 1 of 4
Hello world, I am rank 2 of 4
Hello world, I am rank 0 of 4
Hello world, I am rank 3 of 4
For more detail, please refer to the documentation of MPI.jl