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New members

A New Member Ajin Cho returned to ASML starting June, 2019! Welcome back! Kyungmin Kwak joined ASML starting July, 2019! We welcome you!


A farewell party Suji Gwak finished her internship with us at the end of June. We thank you for your contribution to our lab and wish you the very best!

Seminar at Hanyang University

한양대학교 해양융합과학기술 인재양성팀 초청세미나 Hajoon gave a talk with the title “The Southern Ocean where the ocean and atmosphere meet " at Hanyang University

SEES Colloquium

SEES Colloquium at Seoul National University Hajoon gave a talk in the SEES Colloquium with the title of “The ocean circulation and its impact on the air-sea CO2 exchange”. He introduced the offline experiments with carbon cycle and emphasized that near-inertial waves can give a significant influence on the CO2 flux through vertical mixing.

2019 기상학회 기후분과 봄 학술대회

2019년 한국기상학회 기후분과 봄학술대회 송하준 책임연구원은 2019년 한국기상학회 기후분과 봄학술대회의 학생워크샵에 강사로 초청되어 “해양물리의 관점에서 보는 탄소순환” 이라는 주제로 강연을 하였습니다. 많은 분들이 참석하셔서 모두 같이 해양물리와 탄소순환이 어떻게 연결되어 있는지 알아보는 의미있는 자리였습니다. 강연 슬라이드는 여기에서 다운받으실 수 있습니다.

Talk at 2019 EGU General assembly

2019 EGU General Assembly Hajoon attended 2019 EGU General Assembly and gave a talk titled with “Seasonal Variation in the Correlation Between Anomalies of Sea Level and Chlorophyll in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current” in the session “The Southern Ocean in a changing climate: from ice shelves to open ocean” This talk presented his paper appeared on GRL, so the detailed information about this talk can be found here.

MIT visit

Hajoon Song visited MIT from February 6th to February 20th, 2019, as a visiting professor. As in last summer, he collaborated with Professor John Marshall and Dr. MaryamRashed Alshehhi to understand the ocean circulation in the area of Arabian Gulf. Using the state-of-art ocean circulation model, we tried to explain the salinity maximum in the subsurface of Arabian Sea observed in situ measurements and autonomous floats, Argo. He was told that this winter has been mild until a very cold air mass covered the area one week before he visited.
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A New member

A New Member Suji Gwak joined ASML starting February, 2019! We welcome you!


A farewell party Sadly, we had to let Ajin Cho and Sanghyun Kim go. Ajin started working in the industry after the graduation and Sanghyun went to UC Davis as an exchange student. We wish you the best!

Seminar at Ewha Womans University

The Colloquium at the Dept. of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering Hajoon gave a talk about the changing climate in the Southern Hemisphere with the title, “The Southern Oean where ocean and atmosphere meet” in the [Department Colloquium] ( In the talk, he covered the responses of the atmospheric and oceanic circulations to the ozone hole. Link (Korean)