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Seminar at Ewha Womans University

The Colloquium at the Dept. of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering Hajoon gave a talk about the changing climate in the Southern Hemisphere with the title, “The Southern Oean where ocean and atmosphere meet” in the [Department Colloquium] ( In the talk, he covered the responses of the atmospheric and oceanic circulations to the ozone hole. Link (Korean)

KIAPS International symposium

2018 KIAPS International Symposium on the Global NWP System Modeling Hajoon attended 2018 KIAPS International Symposium and gave a talk on the strongly coupled physical and biogeochemical data assimilation. There were more than 30 experts on NWP and data assimilation from all over the world and shared the recent progress on their research.

Workshop at KHOA

Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Hajoon attended the workshop on the future plan to utilize the observation from Ocean Research Stations around the Korean Peninsula. He presented how valuable biogeochemical measurements from these sites for the estimation of the biogeochemical ocean states using data assimilation.

PICES annual meeting

PICES-2018 Annual Meeting Hajoon attended PICES-2018 Annual Meeting in Yokohama, Japan from October 31 to November 2, 2018. He gave a talk titled by “]Data assimilation of physical and chlorophyll-a observations in the California Current System using two biogeochemical models](". The detailed information about this meeting can be found here.

Seminar at KOPRI

A Visit to Korea Polar Research Institute Hajoon was invited to the EGG seminar at Korea Polar Research Institute in Incheon. The talk was titled “Seasonal Variation in the Correlation Between Anomalies of Sea Level and Chlorophyll in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current” and discussed the impact of mesoscale mixed layer depth modulation on chlorophyll along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Southern Ocean.

Seminar at NIMS

A Visit to National Institute of Meteorological Sciences Hajoon visited National Institute of Meteorological Sciences in Seoguipo, Jeju Island, and gave a talk with the title of global and regional physical ocean data assimilation and a strongly coupled data assimilation.

A New member

A New Member Chunil Namgung joined ASML starting October, 2018! We welcome you!

MIT visit

Hajoon Song visited MIT from July 1st to August 24th, 2018, as a visiting professor. During the stay, he contributes to the project of the simulation of the Gulf of Arabia using a very high-resolution numerical ocean model with Professor John Marshall and Dr. MaryamRashed Alshehhi. His role involved the launch of the ocean model, analyze and diagnose the model results, and visualize the simulation. Another project he was involved with was the diagnosing the simulation of Arctic with the interest of the heat transport from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arctic.
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New webpage

Launching a new webpage We are please to launch the first webpage of the Air-Sea Modeling Lab. Please come and check our research and accomplishments.