There is a verification called global_ocean.cs32x15 that uses the same grid as aim.5l_cs.
So, let’s get used to it before trying the atmosphere-ocean coupled model.
description of this experiment
The description of this example is provided in the README file.
global ocean using the cubed-sphere grid 32x32x32 with 15 levels
Use Non-Linear Free surface formulation with z* coordinate
with real fresh-water flux.
Oceanic set-up on the cubed-sphere grid using the vector-invariant
Forcing :
use Monthly mean climatological forcing (except P-E-R, annual mean).
same data set as global-ocean lat-long experiments but interpolated
on CS-32 grid.
bathymetry :
designed to be coupled to Atmospheric model, therefore includes
most of the semi-enclosed sea (Mediterranean, Black-Sea, Red-Sea,
Hudson Bay …)
bathy_cs32.bin: initial bathymetry
h < 0 is meant to stay wet-point whatever delZ(1) is ; Consequently
the global ocean area is not affected by the vertical resolution.
bathy_Hmin50.bin: bathymetry file used in the current set-up
generated from bathy_cs32.bin using matlab script mk_bathy4gcm.m
mk_bathy4gcm.m matlab script that deepen all shallow point up to 50m.
global integral of E-P-R and annual mean net Q flux are zero.
package thSIce and bulk_forc are included but not used in the standard
additional forcing fields and parameter files are provided (in input.thsice)
in order to illustrate the use of thSIce pkg.
the output of a short run (20.iter) is given in results/output_thsice.txt
October 1rst, 2005:
input.viscA4/data has been added to test biharmonic viscosity on CS-grid
with side-drag. However, this set of parameters has only be used for
short tests and is not recommended to begin with.
It is similar to what we did for the atmospheric model.
First, open the terminal and go to the example directory
cd /MITgcm/verification/global_ocean.cs32x15
We also want to use more than 1 cpu, we use SIZE.h_mpi.
go to code directory
rename SIZE.h as SIZE.h_single
rename SIZE.h_mpi as SIZE.h
\(\rightarrow\) It specifies the number of cpus as 4.
go to build directory
do ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code -optfile ../../../tools/build_options/linux_amd64_gfortran -mpi
if it is finished without a severe error, do make depend
if it is finished without a severe error, do make
if you have mitgcmuv, then the compliation is successful
We first try to run the model with the default setting.
go to run directory
copy all input files to here: cp ../input/* .
create a sympolic link of the input files to here: ./prepare_run
create a sympolic link of the executable file to here: ln -s ../build/mitgcmuv .
model integration
Now, let’s run the model!
execute the run: mpirun -np 4 ./mitgcmuv
See the example jupyter lab file.
additional experiments
adding age tracer
We can measure the age of the water mass. The age represents how long it has passed since a particular water mass was at the surface. This shows the ocean circulation: you may find “young” water mass at depth where there is sinking and “old” water mass where there is upwelling.
To do this, we need to activate ptracers package that allows us to add passive tracers in the simulation.
go to code directory: cd code_age
add a line in packages.conf file: echo 'ptracers' >> packages.conf
copy a couple of files that compute the age of water mass: cp ../../tutorial_global_oce_latlon/code/ptracers_* .
then, let’s compile the code in the build directory: